Stan's Audio Stuff
Stereo Amplifier. Bluetooth BoxAmp. Speakers.

Building an Audio Amplifier

What to build...

I have been trying to build an amplifier. I don't want to design one (I am not an electronics or audio engineer), and so I looked on line for good choices. Not a lot available! At least not much I could find that would sound decent and not require more technical knowledge than I have (or was willing to learn). After trying a relatively cheap kit that I found on Amazon, which I never got to work, I found designs by Elliot Sound Products based in Australia. I looked through the site, then I looked for reviews online--there appear to be many happy amplifier builders who use his designs! So I ordered the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for the P3A (rev3) Amplifier. This is an image of the board that I received (click images for full-sized views):

P3A (rev3) amplifier PCB

Some information about the amp. It is a Class AB Stereo amplifier capable of up to 100 Watts per channel, depending on the power supply. I think mine will top out at around 60W per channel, but more on that later. Here are the specs from the Elliot Sound Products site:

Gain 27dB
Input Impedance24k
Input Sensitivity 1.22V for 100W (8 ohms)
Frequency response 1 10Hz to 30kHz (-1dB) typical
Distortion (THD) 0.04% typical at 1W to 80W
Power (42V supplies, 8 ohm load) 2 90W
Power (35V supplies, 8 ohm load) 3 60W
Power (35V supplies, 4 ohm load) 100W
Hum and Noise 4 -73 dBV unweighted
DC Offset < 100mV
1. The frequency response is dependent on the value for the input and feedback capacitors, and the above is typical of that when the specified values are used. The high frequency response is fixed by C4, and this should not be changed.
2. Operation into 4 ohm loads is not recommended with the 42V supplies. Peak dissipation will exceed 110W in each output transistor, leaving no safety margin with typical inductive loads. All supply voltages are nominal, at no load - your transformer may not be capable of maintaining regulation, so power may be slightly less than shown.
3. This figure is typical, and is dependent on the regulation of the power supply (as are 1 and 2, above). Worst case power with 8 ohm loads is about 50W, but the supply will be seriously inadequate if the power falls that far.
4. This is an extremely pessimistic test, because the bandwidth extends well above and below anything that is audible. The response of my meter extends from around 3Hz to well over 100kHz, so the measured noise is much greater than would be the case with any weighting network.

Bits and Pieces

After receiving the board, I gained access to Rod Elliot's instructions for assembly, along with general amplifier design and creation information. More than I expected! This info included a bill of materials, so I started ordering the components. The first items to arrive were the fuses and fuse clips:

3A fuses and clips

Not too exciting, I know. But I did get to check the fit, to make sure I got the right parts. (I had a hard time figuring out if the fuse clips were correct from information online). I checked, and the clips and fuses fit! Here is proof:

Fuse clip fits PCB

I received all of the parts within a week or so. The capacitors, most of the resistors and some of the transistors came from Mouser Electronics and the rest of the transistors came from Digikey. The fuses, clips and the 5W resistors were ordered through Amazon. (You don't need me to link to Amazon, do you?) I messed up and ordered a few too many of the 5W resistors. I needed 4 and thought I ordered 4. I ordered 4 bags of 15 each. Oops. Luckily one of the bags was delayed so I was able to cancel that one. So I only got 45 instead of 4!

Starting to put it together...

First step--put in the resistors (nothing soldered yet). I test each one before putting it in the board. Since I had way too many 5W resistors, I used a few to test different fits. I am a bit concerned about the wattage rating of some of my reistors; a few were specified as either 1/2 Watt or 5 Watts. But the rest had no power rating. Some of the ones I used were rated for 1/3 of a Watt, while some were 0.4 Watts . Hope that's enough! They look smaller than those I have seen in pictures of other P3A builds.

In his description of the amplifier, Rod Elliot says: All resistors should be 1/4W or 1/2W 1% metal film for lowest noise, with the exception of R9, R10 and R15 which should be 1/2W types, and R13, R14 must be 5W wirewound.

So I think I'm OK, because 1/3W was the lowest rating any of the resistors I used--higher than 1/4W. Here's the board with all of the resistors on it (and some of the 5W resistors lying around in the back):

Resistors fit PCB

I soldered the resistors, then placed the capacitors. My concern with the capacitors is also about rating and size. The ceramic capacitors (the beige discs in the photo) are larger than those in the assembly instructions. They have the correct capacitance, but are rated for 1K Volts (!). I suspect the "proper" ones are rated for something much smaller like 50V or so. I think that is OK. I hope so. Anyway, the bottom of the board, with the resistors and capacitors soldered, is in the next picture (don't judge my soldering skills, please), and the photo afer that shows the top of the board with the R's and C's visible:

Soldered Resistors & Capacitors     Soldered Resistors & Capacitors

The next step was to add the semiconductors--the transistors and green LED's. And the fuse clips and fuses (finally!). I did that, except for the big output transistors. They need to be mounted to a heat sink as they are the components that will get hot. Anyway, this is what the board looks like now:

Almost done.

Heatsinking feeling

Oh, yeah. I didn't think about a heat I ordered one based on its size from Amazon. I think it might be a bit more than needed. (Can't have too much heat sink, according to Rod Elliot.) A picture of the heat sink on its side, and one with the amp on top of the heat sink:

Big Heat Sink.     Amp on the sink.

Power Supply (and its discontents)

So now I decided to check on the power supply that I have been saving--I salvaged it from a mini stereo system I used to own. I was sure that it was +/-35 volts. It is actually +/- 45 Volts--and Rod Elliot (Elliot Sound Products is his site) advises that 42V is the absolute maximum and 35 is better. Here is the power supply:

Power Supply

The AC output of the laminated core transformer on the left is rectified and smoothed by the power supply on the right producing two "rails," plus and minus, of DC voltage. Since the voltage was too high, I spent some time researching what I could do. I decided to build a buck converter. So I ordered more parts. My original concern is that I am using a laminated core transformer (audiophiles prefer torroidal transformers). Now, added to that concern, I am worried that I am also effectively turning the power supply into a switching power supply. Another audiophile sin! We'll see. I can always replace the power supply later.

Heatsink Strikes Again

I started working with the heatsink. Firs step is to drill the holes for the bolts that will hold the transistors and the PCB to the heatsink. The problem is there is no way to line it up right. No matter what I do, at least some of the holes end up too close to a fin--so I won't be able to put the nut on the bolt. I drilled some pilot holes, just to make sure, and...bummer! So I now plan to cut into the fins around the holes and grind the area down to make it as flat as I can. Here are the pilot holes from both sides of the heatsink. You can see the problem in the second photo:

Pilot holes in heat sink.     Heatsink holes too close to fin.

Hey now.

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